V2 Rocket, Aggregat A4 – German Long-Range Guided Ballistic Missile

Aggregate A4 , V2 Rocket – V1 Flying Bomb – Hagelkorn BV246 – Henschel Hs 298 and Rheintochter – photo 2017 Aggregat A4…

The Kugelpanzer Ball Tank

German ReichBall Tank – 1 Built Introduction After the First World War, unique concepts to deal with the No Man’s Land issue came…

Karl-Gerät – A 600 mm Siege Mortar

Between 1941 and 1945 Germany operated some of history’s largest mobile siege mortars. Known as the Karl-Gerät, these monstrous machines could launch shells…

The Schwerer Gustav: Nazi Germany’s World War II Super-Cannon That Was The Largest Gun Ever Built

Built by Krupp in 1941, the Schwerer Gustav railway gun was the Nazis' "miracle weapon" that could blast through 20 feet of concrete…

Castle Bravo: The Largest U.S. Nuclear Explosion

Just 9 years after the United States detonated the first atomic bomb came Castle Bravo, a thermonuclear device more than 700 times more…

Let’s Remember When French Paratroopers Once Used Bazooka Vespas in Combat

From forceful fighter jets to tough-as-hell tanks, the world’s militaries often use monster machines to flex their might. But intimidation comes in all…

America’s 16-inch/50-caliber M1919 gun

Coastal defenses are often thought of as something only found in Europe, such as on Germany’s famous Atlantic Wall. So you may be…

T-Gewehr M1918 – The World’s First Anti-Tank Rifle

German Empire (1918)Anti-Tank Rifle – About 16,000 Produced In September 1916, the British unveiled their new weapon to the world – The Tank…

Obice 305/17: Italy’s Huge Howitzer from WWI

Obice da 305/17 was an Italian howitzer (sometimes classified as mortar) used during World War I. Produced by the Armstrong works in Italy between 1914 and 1917, approximately…

Hauptmann Alfred Grislawski

The words of Alfred Grislawshi Aged 18, I entered the Luftwaffe on a voluntary 12 year engagement, in November 1937. My flying…

The P-39 Aircobra – WW2’s Most Controversial Fighter?

Early Promise Marred by Modification Missteps In an era where aircraft evolved rapidly, the introduction of the P-39 Airacobra by Bell Aircraft marked…

The Day Richard Bong Took on 9 Japanese Zeros and Won

Ascending from Rural Roots to Legendary Hero Richard “Dick” Bong’s remarkable journey in American military history underscores his unparalleled contributions as the United…