Earliest European Hunting Dogs Supported Their Weak

The “earliest evidence of the arrival of hunting dogs in Europe” discovered to date has been announced in a new article published in…

New Research Shows Philippine Indigenous Group Has Most Denisovan DNA

A small indigenous group surviving on the Bataan Peninsula on the Philippine island of Luzon has more Denisovan DNA than any other ethnic…

Is this the Face of Krijn, the First Neanderthal of The Netherlands?

The first-ever Neanderthal found in The Netherlands, who scientists call Krijn, has now been brought more fully to life . A pair of…

10 Reasons Why Dinosaurs Continue To Fascinate Us

Photo by Amy Baugess on Unsplash Dinosaurs were probably not very smart. Dinosaur fossils were found all over the earth. Most dinosaurs laid…

Tails Tell the Tale of Dinosaur Sex

Researchers think they have come up with a way to tell fossils of male dinosaurs from those of females—at least for some small…

75-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Soft Tissue Suggests Ancient Organic Preservation May Be Common

During the process of fossilization, all organic compounds--such as those that make up cells and tissues—disappear, leaving behind remains composed strictly of mineral.…

La Muelona of Colombian Mythology

Known as La Colmillona, La Dientona, or more popularly known as La Muelona, this beautiful and evil spirit is said to haunt the…

The Legend Of The Man With Two Faces Whose ‘Devil Twin’ Forced Him To Kill Himself

Also known as Edward Mordake, Edward Mordrake was a 19th-century Englishman born with an extra face on the back of his head —…

The Missouri Monster ‘Momo’ Is the Cryptid Time Forgot

In 1972, the town of Louisiana, Missouri was home to many alleged sightings of a large, Bigfoot-like creature. The story goes that two…

The Momo Challenge

Images of a demonic chicken lady are stoking panic across the globe, with warnings of a dangerous “suicide game” that targets children on…

Legend Of Miniwashitu: Missouri River Monster

he pseudo-scientific field of cryptozoology deals with theories of creatures unknown to science, many of which have their origins in Native American lore.…

Melon Heads – Fairytales and Myths

Melon Heads are allegedly small-sized humanoid cryptids with large heads native to remote forested parts of Ohio, Michigan, and Connecticut. According to folklore,…