Prehistoric Crocodiles Moved Like Dinosaurs on Two Legs.

Updated 12 June, 2020 - 18:43 ancient-origins The discovery of large, well-preserved footprints belonging to an ancestor of modern-day crocodiles from the Lower…

Mokele-mbembe: The Monster of the Congo River

Updated 18 September, 2019 - 19:36 dhwty Mokèlé-mbèmbé is the name given to a creature believed to inhabit the upper reaches of the…

Scientists Peek Inside Dinosaur Eggs to Learn Secrets from Fossilized Embryos

Measuring about the same size as an adult human, o viraptorids, were bird like “ maniraptoran dinosaurs ”, genetically closer to birds than to ornithomimids,…

The Amazing Ways Tanystropheus Dinosaurs Used Their Long Necks to Live

Since the first fossils of a reptile species called Tanystropheus were discovered in 1852, paleontologists have been attempting to discern how and where…

Dassault Rafale: The French Fighter That Could Kill Anything In The Sky

By Pierre Tran Paris – Dassault Aviation insisted on being appointed lead prime contractor and architect on a European next generation fighter jet,…

Why do so few individuals have birthdays on Christmas Day?

Jay L. Zagorsky  / The Conversation Christmas and New Year’s are days of celebration in many parts of the world when people gather…

Reassessing Neanderthals: Do They Truly Belong to the Same Species as Us?

Neanderthals have been recognized as a species distinct from modern humans for quite some time. But if a trio of researchers from universities…

Ukraine’s Skulls Show Early Modern Humans Originated in the East

By Eva-Maria Geigl & Thierry Grange/The Conversation How did our species,  Homo sapiens , arrive in Western Europe? Published in  Nature Ecology &…

Perhaps as long as 24,000 years ago, the first Americans arrived by sea ice highway.

By Liza Lester/AGU One of the hottest debates in archaeology is how and when humans first arrived in North America. Archaeologists have traditionally…

A Detailed Prehistoric Tool Is Shown in This French Painting from the 15th Century

This artistic-anthropological mystery was solved after a team of researchers analyzed a curious stone, depicted in a 15th century French painting. Merging the…

New Discovery Programs Mammoths may have been hunted to extinction by prehistoric humans.

Updated 21 January, 2019 - 18:53 Ed Whelan It has long been debated as to how our ancient ancestors were able to kill…

Developing Archaic Culture: Were the earliest artists female?

The first researchers of Paleolithic caves and sites related to the earliest humans called the people who left paintings and other pieces of…