Cardi B Holds Back Tears Visiting "BFF" Star Brim Before She Serves Jail Time On RICO Charges!

Cardi B paid an emotional visit to her close friend, Star Brim, the night before Star was set to turn herself in to serve a prison sentence related to RICO charges. The two shared a heartfelt conversation, reflecting on their friendship and the challenges ahead.

Throughout the visit, Cardi B held back tears, expressing her deep feelings for her friend. She mentioned how hard it was to see Star go through such a difficult time. The two talked about “big girl school,” a euphemism they used to refer to prison, with Cardi lightening the mood by calling it a “reset.” She reassured Star that once she completes this phase, everything will be brand new—both of them evolving into stronger women.

They reflected on their growth over the years, with Cardi marveling at how much Star had changed and matured. “We’ve always been women,” Cardi said, “but now, we’re really stepping into a new era. It’s like watching you become a whole new person.”

Star opened up about her past struggles, admitting that she had previously felt too weak to tell her story. However, she now feels ready to share her journey, which she believes is inspirational. Cardi urged her to tell her story, noting how impactful it could be for others going through tough times. Star mentioned how much she’s endured, stating that many people wouldn’t have been able to survive the challenges she faced.

As the conversation continued, the two reflected on their bond. Star joked that while Cardi might not always be there when she wanted, she was always there when she needed her most. Cardi agreed, laughing as they recalled moments of support during emergencies.

Despite the looming prison sentence, Star remained optimistic, focusing on the “rebrand” they both plan to embrace. She expressed her determination to come out stronger, vowing to share her story and use her experiences to inspire others. Cardi also mentioned her own personal growth, saying she’s working on becoming a better version of herself.

In a light-hearted moment, they joked about how hard it is to cry beautifully, with Star confessing she didn’t want to cry because she feared looking “ugly” while doing it. Cardi encouraged her, reminding her that sharing emotions is part of the healing process.

As the visit came to an end, the two expressed hope for the future. Star vowed to come out of this experience as a better person, while Cardi promised to continue supporting her. They ended the night on a positive note, filled with love, laughter, and hope for the rebranding of their lives.

This moment, captured on video, showed the depth of their friendship and the resilience they both share in the face of adversity. Fans were moved by their candid conversation, offering support to both women as they prepare for the next chapter of their lives.

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