Where Our Human Ancestors Made an Impression

Ancient humans gathered on coasts around the world, and archaeologists are uncovering footprints on beaches from Canada to South Africa. The oldest human…

Defenders of the Forgotten Fish

Pacific lampreys existed before there were dinosaurs. Now Columbia River tribes are working to ensure the beleaguered species survives into the next era.…

The Surprising Importance of Litovoi’s Tiny Brain

The braincase of the ancient mammal Litovoi tholocephalos is smaller than it ought to be—potentially a sign of the evolutionary effect of living…

The Ancient Underwater Boneyard That Tells a Dark Story

Gigantic plesiosaurs once swam the Western Interior Seaway in what is now Saskatchewan. Photo by Mohamad Haghani/Alamy Stock Photo Authored by…

When Deinosuchus Ruled the Earth

Deinosuchus , a 10-meter-long alligator that ruled the Cretaceous, preyed on duckbills and other herbivorous dinosaurs. Photo by John Sibbick/Science Photo Library …

The Secrets of the Sea Hidden High in the Andes

A Kronosaurus, one of the top predators in Cretaceous-era tropical oceans, prepares to feast on an ammonite. Illustration by Konstantin G/Shutterstock The…

Dinosaurs of the Lost Coast

Today it’s the hoodoo-spotted desert of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, but 75 million years ago Utah used to sit on the shores of an…

The Sunken Dinosaurs of Alberta

This artistic rendering depicts Centrosaurus , a type of horned dinosaur that perished in large numbers along an inland sea in Alberta. Artwork…

Are Crocodiles Dinosaurs?

No, crocodiles are not dinosaurs. Crocodiles evolved from reptiles that existed before dinosaurs. Both crocodiles and dinosaurs came from the crown group Archosaurs,…

Are Dinosaurs Reptiles?

Yes, most dinosaurs are classified as reptiles. However, not all reptiles are dinosaurs. There were large birds that fit more into the avian…

The Chilling Story of Cary Stayner: The Yosemite Killer

Cary Stayner's own brother Steven was abducted and held captive for seven years when they were children, but that didn't stop Cary from…

The Heinous Crimes Of Bob Berdella

Throughout each of his murders committed in his house in Kansas City, Missouri, Robert Berdella kept detailed notes and photos of his tortured…