Tyrannosaurus Rex Facts: Extinct Animals of the World

A 3D rendering of the grandiosity of a tyrannosaurus rex. Tyrannosaurus, meaning “tyrant lizard”, is a large theropod which inhabited the present day…

What Is The Largest Living Animal?

A blue whale in the ocean off of Sri Lanka. Blue whales are the largest of all the animals that ever existed on…

Slender Man’s Origins and History Explained

Urban legends don’t always translate well to the big screen, but Sony is betting on the rich, albeit brief, history of the contemporary…

Which Place Has Found the Most Fossils?

Ammonite Fossils from the Jurassic. Image credit: Bas van der Pluijm/Shutterstock.com Geographic locations like deserts, rivers, mountains and badlands are all great locations…

The World’s Oldest House Is Wonderwerk Cave, According to Groundbreaking Research

In the Kalahari Desert of South Africa, has produced a cornucopia of wonders for archaeologists searching for the truth about human origins. Cave…

African Migration of Homo Sapiens Occurred During Favorable Climates

Some researchers believe the ancestors of modern humans migrated from their homelands in Africa to Europe and Asia 60,000 years ago in response…

The Origin of the “V” and “F” Sounds in the Neolithic Overbite Revolution

At the dawn of the Neolithic revolution , which occurred around 10,000 years ago, humans began eating less raw wild foods and more…

An ancient Homo naledi child’s skeleton was discovered in Rising Star Cave.

A team of South African and American archaeologists exploring the Rising Star cave system in central South Africa discovered something that seems quite…

F-4 Phantom or the MiG-21?

Although their attributes were considerably different, the F-4 Phantom and MiG-21 fighters were lethal adversaries in the skies over Vietnam. By Michael Haskew…

F-105 Thunderchief

The F-105 Thunderchief was an extremely important Cold War-era fighter-bomber which served with distinction during the Vietnam War . The Thunderchief was the…

How many 30mm rounds does an A-10 Warthog carry? (VIDEO)

The A-10 Warthog is an attack aircraft used by the United States Air Force that is especially designed for close air support and…

All about the V-1 “buzz bomb”: The world’s first cruise missile

At 4:25 AM on June 13, 1944, a week after D-day, Londoners were awakened by a new and strange noise: the loud, distinctive…