The Green Clawed Beast In The Ohio River

Did an unknown creature which is now known as the Green Clawed Beast really attack a woman swimming in the Ohio River back…

Two Green Children Allegedly Appeared In 12th-Century England — And Their Origin Is Still A Mystery

In at least two historical accounts, children with green skin appeared in the English village of Woolpit in the 12th century. But to…

The Chilling Legend Of The Murderous Half-Man, Half-Goat Said To Terrorize The Woods Of Maryland

Half-man and half-goat, the mysterious beast known as the Goatman is said to stalk forests and lurk beneath bridges waiting for the next…

How Ukraine’s ‘Ghost of Kyiv’ legendary pilot was born

UKRAINE’s fighter pilots are vastly outnumbered by the Russians, and have become legendary - thanks in part to the story of an alleged…

Clinton Road, New Jersey: The scariest and strangest road in the U.S.

By PUBLISHED: May 23, 2014 at 1:02 p.m. | UPDATED: October 2, 2019 at 2:41 a.m. “It’s like a dark highway into people’s…

New Research Shows T. Rex’s Long Legs Were Made For Walking, Not Running

The long-held belief that this apex predator's long legs helped it run faster might be prehistoric. Instead of speed, Tyrannosaurus rex was made…

Dinosaur ‘Mummy’ Unveiled With Skin And Guts Intact

"We don't just have a skeleton," said one of the researchers involved in studying the nodosaur. "We have a dinosaur as it would…

Paleontologists In Africa Unearth A New Species Of Carnivorous Dinosaur With A Face Like A Bulldog

The carnivorous abelisaurid dinosaur, as of yet unnamed, roamed the Earth some 98 million years ago. Andrew McAfee, Carnegie Museum of Natural HistoryPaleontologists…

Smugglers Just Tried To Ship This 159-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Egg To Italy In An E-Commerce Package

The egg measures approximately five inches in diameter with hardened sediment on one side. Officials found it encased in bubble wrap inside an…

A Tyrannosaur Was Found With Its Last Meal Perfectly Preserved In Its Stomach For The First Time Ever

Scientists say this discovery has helped them confirm a long-held hypothesis that the Tyrannosaur’s dietary habits changed as it got older. Royal Tyrrell…

Scientists Able To See Preserved Dinosaur Embryos Inside 200-Million-Year-Old Eggs

"It's incredible that in more than 250 million years of reptile evolution, the way the skull develops in the egg remains more or…

Scientists Discover World’s Largest Bird Was As Big As A Dinosaur

Jamie Chirinos/NewsweekThe largest known species of elephant bird weighed up to 1,800 pounds and grew up to 10 feet tall. Scientists have resolved…