If You Find A Plastic Bottle Left On The Hood Of Your Car, You Need To Know The Creepy Thing It Might Mean

You could be in danger anywhere. Scammers are becoming craftier in their attempts to approach and con you. They target everyone, using tactics like placing odd items on your car to distract you.

Let’s go through what you should do if you encounter these warning signs:

1. **Shirt on Windshield Wiper:** If you find a shirt wrapped around your windshield wiper, don’t remove it immediately. Get into your car quickly and drive away to a well-lit area with people around before discarding the clothing. This tactic is used to distract and potentially harm drivers.

2. **Envelope in Your Car:** If you find an envelope in your locked car, drive away immediately and consider your car’s security. Don’t open the envelope; instead, discard it. Scammers may use it to trick you into paying for unnecessary services.

3. **Water Bottle on Bonnet:** A water bottle on your car’s hood is meant to distract you. Don’t exit the vehicle to remove it. Instead, drive home directly or to a police station. Scammers may have placed a GPS tracker on your car.

Stay vigilant and prioritize your safety. If unsure about your car’s security, seek professional help from a reputable auto repair shop.

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