Looking back at 110 years of operation of the Panama Canal

110 years ago, on August 15, 1914, the Panama Canal officially opened after 10 years of construction. The arterial canal connecting the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean is considered a construction feat that revolutionized global trade.

The Panama Canal cuts across the Isthmus of Panama in Central America. The canal is 80 km long, connecting Panama City on the Pacific coast with Colon city on the Atlantic coast. It passes through one of the narrowest places in Central America.


The idea of the Panama Canal was sparked in the early 16th century but it was only officially realized in the early 20th century.

The canal was built by the Americans in 10 years from 1904-1914. The construction of the canal was one of the largest and most arduous construction projects in world history. Thousands of workers died due to diseases and accidents during construction.

After many years of construction at a cost of up to 400 million USD, the Panama Canal officially opened on August 15, 1914.

SS Ancon became the first ship to pass through the canal.

A cannon was deployed to protect the canal during World War II in 1942. During the war, both the Germans and the Japanese sought to bomb the canal but they abandoned the plans for various reasons.

Queen Elizabeth II and her husband visited the Panama Canal in 1953.

A large ship passing through the Panama Canal in 1961.

The United States managed the Panama Canal until December 31, 1999, when it was transferred to the host government.

The canal plays an important role in Panama’s economy. It brings in $1 billion in revenue to the Panamanian government each year.

The canal is a vital route connecting the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean.

Since coming into operation, the Panama Canal has played an important role in international shipping. The use of sea routes through the canal has saved a lot of time and costs in transporting goods from Europe to the western states of the United States and from East Asia to the eastern states of the United States, by avoiding the must go around the southern tip of America.

Faced with that reality, Panama is investing 5 billion USD to expand the canal.

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