Mare Samuella Cromer

In 1910, Mare Samuella Cromer, a rural schoolteacher in South Carolina, organized a girl’s tomato club so females aged 9 to 20 could “not learn simply how to grow better and more perfect tomatoes, but how to grow better and more perfect women.”

r/InterestingToRead - In 1910, Mare Samuella Cromer, a rural schoolteacher in South Carolina, organized a girl's tomato club so females aged 9 to 20 could “not learn simply how to grow better and more perfect tomatoes, but how to grow better and more perfect women.” (Read more in 1st comment)

Soon, there were tomato clubs in a number of states. The idea was simple: Teach rural girls how to plant and grow tomatoes, then harvest and can them, and sell them for a profit. The only work the girls didn’t do themselves was the plowing of their individual 1/10th acre plots.

In one notable example, a girl harvested 2,000 lbs. of tomatoes. After sales, she earned a profit of $78 (about $2,470 today). This was *real* money for girls who came from hardscrabble backgrounds.

In 1915, one tomato club girl was quoted as saying the work was “long and sometimes tiresome…It has been a way by which I could not only have my own spending money and pay my expenses at the Farm Camp, but I also have a bank account of sixty dollars.” (About $1,881 today.)

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