Nine Kings 1910

Nine Kings 1910 In May 1910, European royalty gathered in London for the funeral of King Edward VII. Among the mourners were nine reigning kings, who were photographed together in what very well may be the only photograph of nine reigning European kings ever taken. Of the nine sovereigns pictured, four would be deposed and one assassinated. Within five years, Britain and Belgium would be at war with Germany and Bulgaria. Only five of the nine monarchies represented still exist today: Norway, Spain (thanks to a restoration after nearly half a century without a king), the United Kingdom, Denmark, and Belgium. Oddly, the four sovereigns whose monarchies would not survive the twentieth century (Bulgaria, Portugal, Germany, and Greece) all stood together. It would not be possible to take a photograph of nine reigning European kings today, as there are only seven kingdoms remaining.

historical photos

Standing, L-R: King Haakon VII of Norway, King Ferdinand I of Bulgaria, King Manuel II of Portugal, Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany (King of Prussia), King George I of Greece, King Albert I of Belgium. Seated, L-R: King Alfonso XIII of Spain, King George V of the United Kingdom, King Frederik VIII of Denmark.The Nine Kings in order of seniority:

Country Sovereign Born Reigned Died
Greece King George I 24 December 1845 27 June 1863 18 March 1913 18 March 1913
Spain King Alfonso XIII 17 May 1886 17 May 1886 14 April 1931 28 February 1941
Bulgaria King Ferdinand I 26 February 1861 7 July 1887 3 October 1918 10 September 1948
Germany Emperor Wilhelm II 27 January 1859 15 June 1888 18 November 1918 4 June 1941
Norway King Haakon VII 3 August 1872 18 November 1905 21 September 1957 21 September 1957
Denmark King Frederik VIII 3 June 1843 29 January 1906 14 May 1912 14 May 1912
Portugal King Manuel II 19 March 1889 1 February 1908 5 October 1910 2 July 1932
Belgium King Albert I 8 April 1875 23 December 1909 17 February 1934 17 February 1934
United Kingdom King George V 3 June 1865 6 May 1910 20 January 1936 20 January 1936

If the photo were to have been recreated exactly one hundred years later, in May 2010, with all heirs to the nine kings assembled and sitting or standing in the same places, the following individuals would have been required, in most cases no more than two generations removed:

Standing, L-R: King Harald V of Norway (grandson of Haakon VII), King Simeon II of Bulgaria (grandson of Ferdinand I), Dom Duarte Duke of Braganza (third cousin once removed of Manuel II), Prince Georg Friedrich of Prussia (great-great-grandson of Wilhelm II), King Constantine II of Greece (great-grandson of George I), King Albert II of Belgium (grandson of Albert I). Seated, L-R: King Juan Carlos I of Spain (grandson of Alfonso XIII), Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom (granddaughter of George V), Queen Margrethe II of Denmark (great-granddaughter of Frederik VIII).

The Nine Kings’ Heirs a Century Later, in order of seniority:

Country Sovereign (or Claimant) Born Reign(ed) (or Inherited Claim) Died
Bulgaria King Simeon II 16 June 1937 28 August 1943 15 September 1946
United Kingdom Queen Elizabeth II 21 April 1926 6 February 1952 8 September 2022 8 September 2022
Greece King Constantine II 6 June 1940 6 March 1964 1 June 1973 10 January 2023
Denmark Queen Margrethe II 16 April 1940 14 January 1972 14 January 2024
Spain King Juan Carlos I 5 January 1938 22 November 1975 19 June 2014
Portugal Dom Duarte, Duke of Braganza 14 May 1945 24 December 1976
Norway King Harald V 21 February 1937 17 January 1991
Belgium King Albert II 6 June 1934 9 August 1993 21 July 2013
Germany Prince Georg Friedrich of Prussia 10 June 1976 25 September 1994

The Men’s Seating Plan for a Dinner hosted by HM King George V at Buckingham Palace on May 19, 1910, for world leaders gathered in London for the Funeral of the late King Edward VII.

Prince Louis of Battenberg (1854-1921) Alexander, Duke of Fife (1849-1912) Adolphus, Duke of Teck (1868-1927)
Prince Albert of Schleswig-Holstein (1869-1931)Prince Christopher of Greece (1888-1940)Gaston, Count of Eu (1842-1922)Prince Danilo of Montenegro (1871-1939)Prince Johann Georg of Saxony (1869-1938)Prince George of Cumberland (1880-1912)Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919)Prince Henry of Prussia (1862-1929)Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia (1888-1934)Crown Prince Constantine of Greece (1868-1923)Hereditary Prince Yusuf Izzettin Efendi of Turkey (1857-1916)King Manuel II of Portugal (1889-1932)King George I of Greece (1845-1913)King George V (1865-1936)German Emperor Wilhelm II (1859-1941)King Frederik VIII of Denmark (1843-1912)Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria (1863-1914)Prince Fushimi Sadanaru of Japan (1858-1923)Duke Albrecht of W

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