"Real Nasty Night" Cardi B Reveals How She Told Offset She Was Preggo With Their 3rd Child!

She began by sharing her feelings: “I feel a little nauseous… Oh my God, I’m feeling nauseous…” then went on to talk about how much she missed her children and how excited she was to go home and spend more time with her new baby.

In the conversation, Cardi B mentioned that after giving birth to her son, Wavy, she experienced signs of postpartum depression but managed to overcome it by attending Paris Fashion Week, which helped her feel like herself again. So this time, during her third pregnancy, she tried to balance work and family to avoid feeling the same way.

Cardi B also mentioned how she worked a lot during her pregnancy, including recording music. After giving birth, she even felt like she had “postpartum ADHD” because she always wanted to keep busy.

She shared that she found out about her pregnancy quite late. In January, after undergoing surgery to remove some injections from her buttocks, she didn’t know she was pregnant. In March, when she woke up with a metallic taste in her mouth, Cardi started to suspect. After testing, she realized she was around 6-7 weeks pregnant. She couldn’t believe it because she had tested earlier and it came out negative.

When she went to the doctor, Cardi was shocked to learn that she was actually 17-18 weeks pregnant, not 6-7 weeks as she thought. This news left her incredibly surprised and emotional when she found out it was a girl. Cardi cried upon learning the gender, as she loves raising daughters.

Cardi also shared that she kept the pregnancy a secret for a long time, not telling her parents or family out of fear of being judged. But as her belly grew, her father noticed and asked her directly if she was pregnant.

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