Scientist claims people are all 'characters living in simulation' and says proof has been hidden in plain sight

Scientist claims people are all 'characters living in simulation' and says proof has been hidden in plain sight

The Bible and computer simulation theory is an unexpected crossover

Brenna Cooper

Brenna Cooper

A scientist is convinced we're living in a simulation and claims he has the evidence to back it up.

The simulation theory is one that has been highly explored in popular culture.

Popularised by The Wachowskis' 1999 film The Matrix, the simulation theory also pops up in TV and movie franchises such as Westworld, The Truman Show and, more recently, Free Guy which have all explored the idea of what would happen if everyone in the simulation discovered the truth about their lives.


However for one scientist the idea that we're all living in a simulation is less of an interesting thought experiment and instead a very real thing.

Looks like the Bible and AI could have a lot in common (Jakub Porzycki/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

As an associate professor in physics at The University of Portsmouth, Dr Melvin Vopson fills his hours by researching experimental and theoretical studies of physics – and he very much believes that we are living in a simulation, pointing to the Bible as evidence for his claims.

"The bible itself tells us that we are in a simulation and it also tells us who is doing it," Vopson said in an interview with MailOnline.


"It is done by an AI – an artificial intelligence."

Now I know what you're thinking, a book as old as the Bible and the simulation theory are hardly something which go hand in hand.

Pointing to the Gospel of John in the New Testament, Vopson uses the opening passage 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God' to make his argument.

Vopson points to one particular verse to back up his theories (Getty Images)


The verse already holds specific meaning for Christians, as it is said that 'the word' – which is translated from the Greek word logos (λόγος) – is synonymous with Jesus Christ.

But for Vopson, the usage of 'word' isn't related to the promised son but instead advanced technology such as computer code.

The professor went on to add that God is also part of the computer simulation rather than a separate entity.

"The code running the simulation is not separate from the divine, but rather an integral part of it, perhaps an AI," he continued.


"It implies a Creator who brought the simulated universe into existence through the Word (i.e. the code)."

In short, the universe is a computer simulation, with both God and the Bible is an AI being written into the programme.

Melvin has since written about the arguments in his book Reality Reloaded: The Scientific Case for a Simulated Universe (YouTube/ Information Physics Institute)

This idea may sound completely bonkers – or even offensive – to some, but Vopson believes this argument aligns with the trajectory of modern society.


"What is truly remarkable is that the interpretation given is fully aligned to the events of our times: the emergence of the AI, and also it is exactly what The Matrix was projecting," he added, clarifying that the argument isn't something he necessarily believes in.

What this means for the future of humanity is anyone's guess, but Vopson's arguments certainly leave you with plenty to think about.

Vopson's theory is further explored in his book Reality Reloaded: The Scientific Case for a Simulated Universe.

Topics: Community, Technology, Weird, Conspiracy Theory

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